Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Canada VII - Night

     Slowly it grew darker.  Night was coming on and Uncle Emil's windshield was being slathered with smushed bugs.  Layers on layers of them.  I couldn't tell what kind they were but could only judge them by the size and color of splat.  The orange, yellow, white and clear ones didn't much interest me.  But the red ones caught my attention.  We talked about them for a couple of minutes.  Emil seemed to think the red ones might be warm blooded.
     "I figure they're some kind of miniature, flying unicorn with water skies for hoofs so they can land on the lakes and ponds up here where they breed.  Not many people know this, and don't ask me how I know, just accept the fact that I do but they speak a dialect of mandarin that hasn't existed since about three thousand B.C.  'Cause of that I figure they flew over using one of the land bridges that once hooked up Alaska and Russia as a route."
     "Only problem is they're so tiny no one can see them.  Top that off with them being bigger on the inside than they are on the outside, I think Einstein was the guy who figured that out and it explains why you can see the big red splat and not the bug.  Once they hit the glass they don't so much explode as implode.  Poof!  Gone."
     "My buddy Eldon once accidentally caught one in an RC Cola bottle.  Corked the bottle up with his snot rag and hoofed off to get a magnifying glass to see what the bug looked like.  When he got back the bottle was gone.  Two days later he found it out on the road by his mail box in a shock of long grass. Interestingly the rag was still in the top.  After a minute's eyeballing in hope the bug was still inside, Eldon spied this itty-bitty hole in the RC bottle.  Never did find the bug.  He told me as near as he could figure the little bugger was so strong it flew the bottle all the way out to the road. Once there it had enough time to bore its way out.  Tough monkey."
     "Now Eldon, he doesn't lie.  And for sure he's nowhere clever enough to make that kind of stuff up so it must be the truth.  Or at least darn close to it."

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