Monday, March 23, 2015

Emil's Cabin XXXII - Interlude

     Each night I sleep like the dead.  Tired to the bone.  Years earlier I never figured to be working this hard at age fifty-nine.  Also never figured to be building a cabin with an eighteen year old nephew as a helper.  Truth is it's Archie who keeps me going.  Even though he think's I'm doing the leading it's more he's doing doing the pushing.  The wonders and energy of youth.
     Not long and we can slack the pace.  Sleep in a little later, take a longer lunch break.  Once the outhouse is done it's clear sailing.  Pop on the window screens and do all the work inside.  Hard to believe I'll miss the smell of the tent and keeping an eye on the sky while we work but I will.  Another door closed.  Supposed to be another one opening up ahead somewhere.  Hope it's a good one.
     I've got Archie for another month.  Yeah, I've said I like the quiet but with him gone it may be more quiet than I've bargained for.  Oh well, don't have to think about that now.  For the moment I'll just enjoy what I've got so long as these ten and eleven hour days don't kill me.
     Some nights I'm too tired to sleep.  Learned over the years to not get worked up over it.  There's always something to think about.  The past, future, those last two windows to install tomorrow.  Ladies, of course.  Also the world at large.  A war starting up.  Civil rights and all that unrest.  How do I fit in?  Feel I should do more or at least care more but don't want to and wouldn't know what to do if I did.  Sometimes I worry about how it'll go once I'm alone.  Where'll my life lead me?  And there's always God.  Still trying to figure that out even though I know I can't.  Infinite's infinite and I'm not.  Kind of a dilemma.
     Then I remember to calm down.  Just breathe.  I have any real questions that need answering, something'll tell me.  Usually my dreams.  But they can be pretty cryptic and require some thought.  Sometimes the answer just comes.  When Archie sees me staring off into the trees or down to the ground, I'm looking for answers.  They're out there floating around on the edge between thought and the treetops.  The answers are always there if you know where to look and how to grab on.  Kinda
of like dreaming or fishing.  The fish are always there, even the ones in my dreams, just have to keep my line in the water.
     Hang on a second.  I've got an incoming.  Nooo, this isn't Leon in Cincinnati.  Sorry, it was just another one of the lesser gods.  I get those wrong numbers all the time.  Don't know what their problem is.  You'd think even a lower peg god'd be able to whisper in the ear of the right dreamer.  Problem is that kind of crap's going on all the time.  Some bozo in Wisconsin gets to thinking he's the best thing since white bread and ends up in the Senate trying to uproot Communists who aren't there.

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