Monday, November 30, 2015

The Man in Black

     First time I met him was in a Sears parking lot down in the cities.  Was there to buy a saw but didn't know which one'd solve all my life's problems.  At least as far as wood goes.  The lot was nearly empty.  Bein' a sunday morning most right thinking folks were still in church trying to get their foot in Heaven's door.  As you can see I wasn't among the chosen.  Had my reasons, the foremost of which was the six hour drive back up to my piece of paradise.  Always figured the roof of a church got in the way of a fine view of Heaven.  And seein' as how God's infinite you don't have to go far to find the Old Guy.
     Nearly soiled my britches when I turned from the truck door and was forehead to nose with the man.  All in black from sole to fedora.  No jacket but he did sport a tie.  Black on black one with a wood grain pattern.  Nice tie.  Was gonna ask the man where he got it but before I could open my mouth he clipped off in a voice that commanded respect, "I figure you'll get the most use out of a radial arm saw.  Does pretty much everything except curves.  For me that's been okay.  I like most everything straight on anyhow.  Even use it to trim my nails to a crisp point.  By the by, best you get yourself a pair of quality blades to go with the saw.  Cross cut and rip.  That's what I'd do if I were you."
     Tipped his hat and walked off like hadn't a care in this or any other world.  Don't know where he came from.  Don't know where he went.  Don't much care as the saw turned out to be a fine piece of machinery.
     'Course I gave the moment a turn or two on my way home.  First I figured him to be the devil seein' as how it was a sunday and him bein' on the outside of all those holy walls.  But a moment's thought and I remembered.  Met him before and would no doubt meet him again.  Each time his words carried a lot of weight with me even though he always appeared as a stranger.  Almost a brother but a whole lot wiser and smarter.  Never steered me wrong.  Also wasn't bossy.  Just suggestive in the sense of, 'this's what I'd do if I were you but I'm not, so do as you please'.
     Yeah, I ran into him a half dozen or more times over the years.  Couple of times in the war.  Once when I was a kid runnin' hooch over the border to make a buck.  Always looked liked he'd just walked out of the shower, donned freshly pressed clothes and dropped by for a minute to shoot the breeze.  Then just as quick, was gone.  Could be he doesn't like to dress up.  Kind of like me in that way.  Always takes a few hours before clean clothes fit like they should.
     Don't know exactly who he is.  One of these days I'll have to ask.  Got my notions but that's about it.  All I know for sure is to pay him heed.  Never seems to guide me wrong.  Guardian angel?  Death?  The man from down below?  Or maybe just me on my good days?  Probably doesn't matter.

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