Thursday, March 24, 2016

Panic II

     What to do when you're done?  Easy.  Go back and edit the whole thing.  And when that's done?  Think on it.  Sleep on it.  See what comes to mind that doesn't sit right.  Go back and change it.  Maybe keep the entry and gut the house.  Yesterday and today it's been a couple of paragraphs about the man who isn't there.  Up in Manitoba in Grass River Provincial Park on one of the remote lakes there's an abandoned trapper's cabin.  Yup it's there alright.  And in the same place I placed it in "Ease."  On the first go around I made up a brief, convoluted story about a gnome-like man who lived there.  No matter how I wrote it the passage it felt wrong, out of place.  Bothered me enough to rewrite it.  Then rewrite it again.  Still bothers me but it's better than it was.

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